
New Community supports, houses, and/or partners with several programs and ministries: Alcoholic/Narcotics Anonymous, ArtSpace, Becoming Church, Manna Inc., and New Community For Children.  These programs and ministries have various missions and foci, all of which are connected to the outward mission of NCC in serving and being a part of the church, the immediate Shaw community, and the city at large.

Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotic Anonymous are weekly twelve step meetings for people recovering from various forms of addiction. The meetings are held at 8:00pm each Tuesday.

Contact Billy Hart at 202-387-0711.



ArtSpace engages youth and adults in affordable workshops and community-based arts projects that help transforms and empower individuals and the neighborhood. People are given the opportunity express themselves creatively through a variety of artistic media including photography, ceramics, fiber arts, painting, creative writing, drama and other visual arts, and music. The program sponsors periodic shows that highlight the work of our students as well as shows that feature the work of particular artists.

Open Studio sessions happen on the 1st Sundays of the month. Come join us and make something!


Becoming Church


Igniting new forms of Church, Becoming Church tends to the life of the Spirit in community, interprets the principles of the Church of the Savior, and accompanies new initiatives of call. Supported initiatives bring together the faith community and the issues incarceration, re-entry and restorative justice.


Manna, Inc.


A DC-based non-profit affordable housing developer, educator, property manager and advocate. MANNA’s mission is to help low and moderate persons acquire and preserve quality affordable housing, build assets through homeownership, revitalize distressed neighborhoods and preserve racial and ethnic diversity in DC neighborhoods.


New Community For Children (NCFC)


New Community For Children (NCFC) is an after school, summer and advocacy program for children from kindergarten through 12th grade. NCFC empowers children through educational, cultural and spiritual enrichment. NCFC works with parents, teachers, community and other social service organizations in Washington, DC to address the comprehensive educational needs of children. The program prepares students for post-secondary education, careers and/or vocational training to become responsible, productive adults who in turn will give their time and talents back to their community.
